
Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒方法

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Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒的做法步骤图

Making this cuttlefish steak comes from the video sent by my sweet-mouthed baby son. That is to say, Xiaoshuai, who likes the fresh and salty taste, has made a goal, saying nothing about rolled sleeves, and after doing it, he will deeply understand the old saying "Ten minutes on the stage, ten years off the stage". I made two copies altogether. Xiaoshuai must have left one for me to eat. He said, "Look at my hard work, he can't finish all the cuttlefish steaks by himself." Well, Xianxian ng this cuttlefish steak comes from the video sent by my sweet-mouthed baby son. That is to say, Xiaoshuai, who likes the fresh and salty taste, has made a goal, saying nothing about rolled sleeves, and after doing it, he will deeply understand the old saying "Ten minutes on the stage, ten years off the stage". I made two copies altogether. Xiaoshuai must have left one for me to eat. He said, "Look at my hard work, he can't finish all the cuttlefish steaks by himself." Well, Xianxian Q-bomb...


墨鱼 1只
生姜 2片
白胡椒粉 3克
淀粉 15克
色拉油 3勺

Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒的做法  

  1. 1、将生姜和葱切成小丁,用小碗加60毫升水浸泡。

    Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 2、将墨鱼去内脏扒皮洗净。

    Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 3、尽量将墨鱼切碎(墨鱼头和触须不放在里面)然后用刀背用劲剁。

    Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 4、大约剁20分钟,将墨鱼剁成蓉。

    Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. 5、将墨鱼蓉摔打300多次,其间加了分别加了两次10毫升葱姜水,盐,白胡椒粉和淀粉。然后分成两份。

    Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒的做法步骤图 第6张
  6. 6、将墨鱼蓉团在倒了油的不粘锅上按压成饼状,由于墨魚蓉粘手,或将手打湿按压,或手沾淀粉按压。我两种都试了,觉得沾淀粉按压定型更好。

    Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒的做法步骤图 第7张
  7. 7、两面煎至金黄色就可以装盘了。如果想优雅地吃记得切成段装盘。😀😀😀

    Duang Duang 的墨鱼扒的做法步骤图 第8张
TAGS:墨鱼 Duang


